Hayden SE Signature

Hayden SE Signature

HAYDN SE SIGNATURE features our exclusive handcoated silkdome tweeter, which reveals even the slightest nuances with natural ease, while extending well down into the midrange regions.

A dedicated linear crossover layout, with the copper circuit paths carefully arranged, takes into account the potential for sympathetic and parasitic interactions among crossover components that may inject unwanted noise and distortions while allowing for more direct and efficient transfer of signal to the drivers which leads to a greater level of detail and purity.

Us at Vienna Acoustics it is still something magical when we first listen to Peter Gansterer’s new creations.

It’s excitement and eager expectancy – and sometimes, like in the case of HAYDN SE SIGNATURE, pure amazement.

We were fortunate and more than thankful to be able to release some beautifully recognized reference designs in the last years, all carefully and painstakingly developed – so why wouldn’t we dare the borders towards the impossible also with our smallest family member?

So what do you unpack?

HAYDN SE SIGNATURE features our exclusive handcoated silkdome tweeter, which reveals even the slightest nuances with natural ease, while extending well down into the midrange regions.

A dedicated linear crossover layout, with the copper circuit paths carefully arranged, takes into account the potential for sympathetic and parasitic interactions among crossover components that may inject unwanted noise and distortions while allowing for more direct and efficient transfer of signal to the drivers which leads to a greater level of detail and purity.

Just as our most exclusive designs, HAYDN SE SIGNATURE is carefully built to true furniture grade standards and finished with the same outstanding veneer-wrapping technique, as well as with our true piano lacquer.

HAYDN SE SIGNATURE’s small size will fool you. Please close your eyes and you may find yourself in front of a symphonic orchestra, in the crowd up front stage, or in an intimate piano bar.

We see you there!

Technical Specifications

  • Impedance: 4 Ohms
  • Frequency response: 40Hz – 20kHz
  • Sensitivity: 88.5dB
  • Recommended Amplifier: 50 – 180 Watts
  • Tweeter: 1.1″ Hand Coated Vienna Acoustics Silk Dome
  • Mid-Woofer : 6” Spider-Cone™ X3P
  • Bass System: Rear Vented Bass Reflex
  • Bass Function: Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (quasi Butterworth)
  • Crossover System: Two Way 6db/12db Bessel
  • Crossover Components: MKP Capacitor 1% Tolerance Coils 0.7% tol., Air Coils
  • Metal Film Resistors: 1% Inductance Free
  • Weight per Pair: 44lbs / 20kg
  • Dimensions (W x H x D) inches: 6.85” x 14.2” 10.4”
  • Dimensions (W x H x D) mm: 174mm x 361mm x 265mm
  • Finishes: Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Piano Black and Piano White, magnetic grille included